2019-07-10 14:34

クリエイティブとテクノロジーによる動画のマネタイズ - Day 3 -

ジェイソン・ バーンズ アジア太平洋担当 チーフ・レベニュー・オフィサー, PubMatic
二コラ・ エリオット Director, BBC StoryWorks APAC, BBC Global News
マット・ ハーティー アジア太平洋担当シニア・バイス・プレジデント, The Trade Desk
David Trovell Head of International Accounts, UM Japan

Q. Consumer behavior on online video.
All 13B, 1B spend for video in Japan, just 10%

Video is interesting time in Japan
Shifting from TV to online video.

Teenager 50% more on online video than TV
Mobile Driven! Video x Mobile is public. In Train.
Audio is more important.

Q. Trend on Format
Online video consumption 30% shifted in just one year.
Online Video and TV are Content wet rather than platform wet.

Instream is the product first in Japan.

Q. Youtube? Or other OTT?
OTT is not big. Platform is Youtube, hard to shift from.
Moving out from TV.

OTT will be first next year! Display is down trend.

Q. Creative side trend on Storytelling video
TV to Digital.

Roughly half is PMP. PMP is video. Video is PMP.
Programmatic Guarantee is not big.

Programmatic is just workflow. Plubming.

India and Australia are 100% programmatic guarantee. Will they expand?

Q. How brands using video. Measurement on online video.
Attribution is a challenge.

<How attribute storytelling video to ROI>
Neuroscience. Analyze emotion.Surprise emotion to Long time memory.

Q. Cross-screen.
Frequency. Universal Frequency. That technology is developing.
Universal ID is important.

Walled Garden is strong because they have universal ID.

Q. In-house is changing for online video?
Using PII for trade desk or other platforms.

Q. 視聴者の勘定をす激することにより潜在意識下でブランドとの親しみを生み出す
SNS is not effective for making users stay in the media.

Q. TV is still big and fantastic for brands. Agencyの動きは?
Performance and results. Digital metrics.

Q. 最後に一言
Japanese ppl still read Newspaper. Time is correlate with Money.
